About Us
JC's Supply has 30 years of professional Job site construction and fastening experience. Assisting the customer with the right products for any complex application.

Our Mission
Our mission is simply to supply quality products, provide outstanding service and always operate with honesty and integrity. In the process of best serving our customers we will always choose to communicate facts and truth to the best of our knowledge. Good news is always easier to hear and deliver but we will not hesitate to keep our customers informed even if we need to occasionally deliver news of challenges. When it comes to acting within the realm of honesty and integrity there is no gray area. We hope our customers will respect our morals and understand how we operate. We ask all our customers and vendors to let us know when we might not be living up to our mission.

Why Choose US
JC's Supply has 30 years of professional Job site construction and fastening experience. Assisting the customer with the right products for any complex application.We know what products our customers need and have the ability to stock those items. Our staff has the knowledge and ability to help in all your industrial fastener needs and to help you in your business endeavors.

Netplus Alliance biggest growth companies
JC Supply has within 2 years increased our sales by 100%, with help from our great customers and partnering with Premier Manufacturers, developing a Number One Team, to service you.